MEL, MEM, MCI and MESA Purpose of Payment Codes

DescriptionExamplesPayment Code

for Goods

Sale or purchase of good, import or export of goods, procurement of goods, Letter of Credit or documentary collection related to goods trade, prepayment of goods, etc.

Partial return of trade settlement for goods

Cancellation of trade settlement for goods




For Services

Public utility, rent, audit fee, hotel and accommodation fee, legal fee, advertising and promotion fee, copyright and license fee, wages, service contract fee, design fee, research and development fee, registration fee, medical expenses, etc

Partial return of trade settlement for services

Cancellation of trade settlement for services




Payment to Current Account

Dividend payment, profit distribution, tax payment, scholarships, etc.

Cancellation of payment to current account



Payment to
Capital Account

Capital injection, capital reduction, capital payment, investment, shareholder loan, non-trade fund transfer, other capital payments as approved by relevant regulatory authorities

Partial return of payment to capital account

Cancellation of charity donation




Charity Donation

Charity donation

Cancellation of charity donation



MonFX Purpose of Payment Codes
DescriptionExamplesPayment Code 
Cross-border settlement conducted for trade in goods, including general merchandise, goods for processing, goods required for repairing, goods procured in ports by carriers, non-monetary gold import and export, etc.Cross-border goods tradeGOD
Use /PRGOD/ for partial return. Use /RGOD/ for full return.Partial or full return for cross-border goods trade(P)RGOD
Cross-border settlement conducted for trade in services, including services or fees relating to transportation; travel; communications; construction services; installation projects and their subcontract services; insurance; financial services; computer and information services; royalties and license fees; sports and entertainment; government services not mentioned above and other commercial services, etc.Cross-border service tradeSTR
Use /PRSTR/ for partial return. Use /RSTR/ for full return.Partial or full return for cross-border service trade(P)RSTR
Capital account transactions, (capital transfers and acquisition/disposal of non-productive or non-financial assets), direct investments, securities investments, other investments, etc.Cross-border capital transferCTF
Use /PRCTF/ for partial return. Use /RCTF/ for full return.Partial or full return for cross-border capital transfer(P)RCTF
Income (employee compensation, investment yield) and current transfers (non-reimbursable assistance, compensation, tax, fine, membership fees to international organizations, contingency income and expenditure, etc)Other current account transactionsOCA
For cross-border individual remittance.Cross-border individual remittanceRMT
Use /PRRMT/ for partial return. Use /RRMT/ for full returnPartial for full return for individual remittance(P)RRMT
Cross-border same bank fund transfer (payer and beneficiary of the fund is the same bank)Cross-border fund transfer with same nameSFT
Cross-border interbank fund transfer (payer and beneficiary of the fund are different banks)Cross-border fund transfer with different nameDFT
Donation to charitiesCharity donationCDN
Full return of the original transactionFund returnFRTN